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Integration Examples

Example on handling the AdGem Offer Wall with the AdGem Unity SDK.

using UnityEngine;

public class AdGemOfferwallManager : MonoBehaviour
    private const int adGemAppId = 99999;   // TODO: your AdGem iOS App ID goes here!
    private const int adGemAppId = 88888;   // TODO: your AdGem Android App ID goes here!

    public delegate void OfferwallShownDelegate(bool shown);

    void Awake()
        AdGem.startSession(adGemAppId, false, false, true); // no standard videos or rewarded videos, but does use offerwall

    void OnEnable()
        AdGem.offerWallClosed += HandleOfferwallClosed;
        AdGem.offerWallRewardReceived += HandleOfferwallRewardReceived;

    void OnDisable()
        AdGem.offerWallClosed -= HandleOfferwallClosed;
        AdGem.offerWallRewardReceived -= HandleOfferwallRewardReceived;

    private void HandleOfferwallClosed()
        Debug.Log("AdGemOfferwallManager: OfferWall was closed");


    private void HandleOfferwallRewardReceived(int currencyToAward)
        if (currencyToAward > 0)
            Debug.LogFormat("AdGemOfferwallManager: awarding {0} currency to player", currencyToAward);

            // TODO: award the diamonds to the player in your game here!

    public void ShowOfferwall(OfferwallShownDelegate onOfferwallShownCB)
        if (AdGem.offerWallReady)


            // offerwall is ready, let the caller know that we have shown the offerwall
            if (onOfferwallShownCB != null)
            // offerwall is not ready, let the caller know that we couldn't show the offerwall
            // TODO: you might want to notify the player that the OfferWall is not currently available, and to try again later
            if (onOfferwallShownCB != null)

    private void MuteAudio()
        // pauses all sound and music (will resume from where left off when unpause)
        AudioListener.pause = true;

    private void UnmuteAudio()
        // resume music and all sound effects
        AudioListener.pause = false;

    // Sample use of AdGemOfferwallManager.ShowOfferwall:
    // NOTE: this assumes you have an instance of AdGemOfferwallManager named adGemOfferwallManager

    adGemOfferwallManager.ShowOfferwall(delegate (bool shown)
            if (shown)
                Debug.Log("AdGem Offerwall was shown");
                Debug.Log("AdGem Offerwall was not shown");

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